Craftys Field Weekend 11
This Saturday 5am kicks of FW 11 kindly sponsored by Craftys. Normal local boundaries apply with kick off Saturday 5am and weigh in at fire station 12pm Sunday.
This is a challenge weekend (2.5kg+ challenge) Any weighable fish over 2.5kg will receive an additional 75 points, this excludes SSH ( Sorry Pete you will need to find a pin Moki ) – there is a cap, with ten fish over 2.5kg being the maximum that will receive bonus points. Any fish caught locally in May over 2.5kg is a great effort.
There has been some great snapper being caught locally this past week with numbers and some very big fish. Fingers crossed this continues over the weekend. Close to a frost Saturday and Sunday morning which seems to bring back memories of fisherman catching gurnard locally. Surely its good karma to fill the bin when your fingers and nose are frozen, and you can’t see your rods cause your eyes are crying.
Thank you to Craftys for their ongoing support, please support our sponsors when you can.
For those fishing good luck , see you at weigh in if not before.
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